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Pyramid Scheme in Malaysia

I don’t know if you have ever heard about APPCO before. There are lots of APPCO subsidiary company located at every states in Malaysia. If you are looking for a job, or very desperate to get a job you might pass by advertisement about management trainee, sales executive and trainee branch manager which offer you salary from RM1200 to RM4000. Sounds nice... they are APPCO’ subsidiary company. They also offer lots of ‘interesting’ benefit such as:

  • ·         You also can join them even if you don’t have marketing background.

  • ·         They offer you training and career development program.

  • ·         ‘irresistible’  bonuses and incentive

  • ·         Traveling opportunities

You have seen them before right? Haha...

I also has seen them before and unfortunately i join them for about 4 months.

So, this entry is about to tell you what APPCO or whatsoever they call themselves actually do. 

I have seen in the internet, other people call them as a scam. But i am not so sure about that because they really represent their client in the field to the customer and the bank also approved any form submitted by them. They do their work legally here in Malaysia. Previously, i am doing charity for them. The payment is:

  • ·         RM72 for credit card submission

  • ·         RM34 for auto-debit submission

When i first work there, i am happy to receives my first week payment considering that i have to work like 7 days a week. Haha.. it only RM250. But after few weeks, i start to think if i get that much of money, how much did my manager and APPCO people get? This is tricky. Haha.. they once told me that one of our client want to develop their own marketing team but fail to get any submission because they don’t has any experience to do so.  This is weird, they told me that our client gain lots of money from us, but why does one of them want to develop their own marketing team? . For your info, APPCO also managed to arranged 2 times award giving ceremony yearly in 5 star hotel in KL. Plus, ‘staff’  who performed well will get ‘holiday’ opportunities  in famous (4 or 5 star hotel) for 3 days and 2 nights. Sounds exciting? That is not even consider holiday because they are going to brainwash you all the time. 

Next is the working time. At the beginning, the branch manager (BM) told me working time is from 8.30am to 6.00pm weekdays and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday. If got event, depends on the schedule given (usually from 10.00am to 10.00pm). the payment i received is not based on how much hour i worked, it depends on how many submission i get. So basically, i work for 12 hours and i don’t get any submission, i don't get payment. I work for free. Oh my god. If today i get many submission, it does to promise me that i can also get many submission tomorrow or next week. It is not stable. My leader always remind me to buy a car. How on earth am i suppose to buy a car if my income is not stable. She told me also once she become BM, her car will be BMW and her dream wedding is going to be held at one of the most expensive hotel in town. But let me tell you something, she don't even has money to pay for her own roti canai. Haha... 

They mentioned about traveling opportunities. I fall for it because i enjoy travelling. I like to take pictures and wondering around. Haha.. i have been to Teluk Intan for like 7 times but i never visit Menara Condong. Go to Alor Setar for 2 times but never visit Menara Alor Setar also. The traveling is for work only. You cannot just simply go to any of the landmark during road trip because you need to be in the event like Tecsco, Juscoo, The Setor and Maydin. Haha... Silly me.
Menara Condong

Menara Alor Setar

The offer bonuses and incentive. This is not for sales people. The bonuses and incentive is more for team building people. By team building, i mean you are expected to build you team and move to the next level. You need to either find your own team member (make your own job advertisement in mudahh) or BM give people for you to train. The will take care of new guys like a baby. They once said, ‘new people is our blood’. So, once you get your own team member, you need to take care of them like a baby. If they don't have money to eat, you MUST give your money, their travelling cost and brainwash them. Tell them this is the job they always want to do, get lots of money and traveling opportunities. Try to think, you don't has stable income, but at the same time the company expect you to pay for everything with that little money. Very bad. 

You are also not considered as their employee or partner. It means that you will not receive any EPF/SOCSO or Inland Revenue Board. There are no panel clinics or insurance for you. If you are being sued by the customer, you cannot claim that you are working for APPCO. This is stated in the FIELD REPRESENTATIVE AGREEMENT. They will ask you to sign this agreement without letting to go through it. I got the soft copy. If you want, you can pm me. 

RM1200 to RM4000
RM0 to infinity (performance based)
Traveling opportunity
You may travel, but you are not allowed to do sight seeing.
Bonuses and incentive
Team builder only
Said nothing about EPF/SOCSO

By the way, i resign because i don't want to be BM. Haha.. cannot imagine that i have to brainwash my people everyday, tell them this is the ‘greatest’ job ever, so that i can get money. This is pyramid scheme. Beware..


Anonymous said...

Tq dear.....love it!!
Got a job from this company and will start tengah bulan ni.
Still thinking whether to accept the offer ke tak. Tq!! - cik Tomato-

Anonymous said...

Dont accept..

Unknown said...

I was working for APPCO Singapore (June 2012 - Jan 2013). The reason I left was simply because I didn't manage to get any sales. Plus! The working hours were crazy! And even on weekends! Basically my whole team left subsequently and now the branch office has closed shop.

Anonymous said...

Big Scam. It started in Canada and spread like VD. They profit by exploiting their employees period the end.

chipmunkboy said...

kak is it true, im going there tomorrow.. for interview.. they told me to bring my photostate ic along

Anonymous said...

Huge scam. These people need to be locked up.

Fyza Yunos said...

Hi is this co located at menara axiata kl sentral?

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