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Pyramid Scheme in Malaysia

I don’t know if you have ever heard about APPCO before. There are lots of APPCO subsidiary company located at every states in Malaysia. If you are looking for a job, or very desperate to get a job you might pass by advertisement about management trainee, sales executive and trainee branch manager which offer you salary from RM1200 to RM4000. Sounds nice... they are APPCO’ subsidiary company. They also offer lots of ‘interesting’ benefit such as:

  • ·         You also can join them even if you don’t have marketing background.

  • ·         They offer you training and career development program.

  • ·         ‘irresistible’  bonuses and incentive

  • ·         Traveling opportunities

You have seen them before right? Haha...

I also has seen them before and unfortunately i join them for about 4 months.

So, this entry is about to tell you what APPCO or whatsoever they call themselves actually do. 

I have seen in the internet, other people call them as a scam. But i am not so sure about that because they really represent their client in the field to the customer and the bank also approved any form submitted by them. They do their work legally here in Malaysia. Previously, i am doing charity for them. The payment is:

  • ·         RM72 for credit card submission

  • ·         RM34 for auto-debit submission

When i first work there, i am happy to receives my first week payment considering that i have to work like 7 days a week. Haha.. it only RM250. But after few weeks, i start to think if i get that much of money, how much did my manager and APPCO people get? This is tricky. Haha.. they once told me that one of our client want to develop their own marketing team but fail to get any submission because they don’t has any experience to do so.  This is weird, they told me that our client gain lots of money from us, but why does one of them want to develop their own marketing team? . For your info, APPCO also managed to arranged 2 times award giving ceremony yearly in 5 star hotel in KL. Plus, ‘staff’  who performed well will get ‘holiday’ opportunities  in famous (4 or 5 star hotel) for 3 days and 2 nights. Sounds exciting? That is not even consider holiday because they are going to brainwash you all the time. 

Next is the working time. At the beginning, the branch manager (BM) told me working time is from 8.30am to 6.00pm weekdays and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday. If got event, depends on the schedule given (usually from 10.00am to 10.00pm). the payment i received is not based on how much hour i worked, it depends on how many submission i get. So basically, i work for 12 hours and i don’t get any submission, i don't get payment. I work for free. Oh my god. If today i get many submission, it does to promise me that i can also get many submission tomorrow or next week. It is not stable. My leader always remind me to buy a car. How on earth am i suppose to buy a car if my income is not stable. She told me also once she become BM, her car will be BMW and her dream wedding is going to be held at one of the most expensive hotel in town. But let me tell you something, she don't even has money to pay for her own roti canai. Haha... 

They mentioned about traveling opportunities. I fall for it because i enjoy travelling. I like to take pictures and wondering around. Haha.. i have been to Teluk Intan for like 7 times but i never visit Menara Condong. Go to Alor Setar for 2 times but never visit Menara Alor Setar also. The traveling is for work only. You cannot just simply go to any of the landmark during road trip because you need to be in the event like Tecsco, Juscoo, The Setor and Maydin. Haha... Silly me.
Menara Condong

Menara Alor Setar

The offer bonuses and incentive. This is not for sales people. The bonuses and incentive is more for team building people. By team building, i mean you are expected to build you team and move to the next level. You need to either find your own team member (make your own job advertisement in mudahh) or BM give people for you to train. The will take care of new guys like a baby. They once said, ‘new people is our blood’. So, once you get your own team member, you need to take care of them like a baby. If they don't have money to eat, you MUST give your money, their travelling cost and brainwash them. Tell them this is the job they always want to do, get lots of money and traveling opportunities. Try to think, you don't has stable income, but at the same time the company expect you to pay for everything with that little money. Very bad. 

You are also not considered as their employee or partner. It means that you will not receive any EPF/SOCSO or Inland Revenue Board. There are no panel clinics or insurance for you. If you are being sued by the customer, you cannot claim that you are working for APPCO. This is stated in the FIELD REPRESENTATIVE AGREEMENT. They will ask you to sign this agreement without letting to go through it. I got the soft copy. If you want, you can pm me. 

RM1200 to RM4000
RM0 to infinity (performance based)
Traveling opportunity
You may travel, but you are not allowed to do sight seeing.
Bonuses and incentive
Team builder only
Said nothing about EPF/SOCSO

By the way, i resign because i don't want to be BM. Haha.. cannot imagine that i have to brainwash my people everyday, tell them this is the ‘greatest’ job ever, so that i can get money. This is pyramid scheme. Beware..

a glass of milk

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.

He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?"

You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."

He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart."

Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.

Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.

Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.

Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.

He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won.

Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge, and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words ...

"Paid in full with one glass of milk"

(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,
God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."

There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the water comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?

Anda ingin lebih cantik dan menarik??

# Jadikanlah Ghadhdul Bashar (menundukkan pandangan) sebagai "hiasan mata" anda, nescaya akan semakin bening dan jernih.

# Oleskan "lipstik kejujuran" pada bibir anda, nescaya akan semakin manis.

# Gunakanlah "pemerah pipi" anda dengan kosmetik yang terbuat dari rasa malu yang dibuat dari salon Iman.

# Pakailah "sabun Istighfar" yang menghilangkan semua dosa dan kesalahan yang anda lakukan.

# Rawatlah rambut anda dengan "Selendang Islami" yang akan menghilangkan kelemumur pandangan lelaki yang merbahayakan.

# Hiasilah kedua tangan anda dengan gelang Tawadhu' dan jari-jari anda dengan cincin Ukhuwwah.

# Sebaik-baiknya kalung anda adalah kalung "kesucian".

# Bedaklah wajah anda dengan "air Wudhu" nescaya akan bercahaya di akhirat

kisah sedih satu family

Malam semalam ada test structure. Tengah2 aku syok study, mak aku yg tersayang kol cakap bapak kepada kawan adik aku meninggal. Bapak dia 2 juga merangkap kawan kepada tok wan aku dulu2 kala, time tok wan aku hidup. Tak taw la kawan memancing ke, merempit ke, apa2 lah, tapi diorang rapat la. Adik aku ni, si Aida, kenal kawan dia 2 dari sekolah rendah lgi. Tapi sory lah, aku xingt nama dia plk.
Berbalik kepada kisah dia ni, mak aku kol cakap bapak budak 2 dah meninggal. Aku xla brapa trkejut sebab korang bayangkan la, tok wan aku 2 dah meninggal sebelum aku lahir lagi tapi kawan dia masih lagi hidup. Bukan la aku cakap dia mmg patut mati, cuma alhamdulillah la umur dia panjang. Al kisahnya tersebutlah yg anak tiri kepada mak cik 2 (sedara tiri kepada kwn adik aku 2) mengambil langkah drastik untuk menghalau family tersebut dari situ. Diorang cuma diberi masa sampai hujung minggu ni utk packing barang and blah dari situ.
Aku rasa sedih sangat dengar apa mak aku cakap. Ye la, bapak dia tak dikebumikan lagi pun, anak dia dah memandai halau mak tiri n adik2 tiri dia ni. Kenapa la buruk sangat perangai ni. Bagi aku la kan, walaupun mak cik 2 cuma mak tiri dia, dia sepatutnya menghormati mak cik 2 macam dia hormat mak dia jugak sebab mak cik 2 la yang berkongsi hidup dgn bapak dia and jaga pak cik 2 (tok wan sbb dia kwn tok aku) time pak cik 2 sakit. Tambahan pula, anak2 hasil perkongsian hidup mak cik and bapak dia 2 adik dia jugak. Ceteknya pemikiran dia.
Nasib baik la sebelum mak cik ni kawin dengan bapak budak cetek ni, dia pernah kawin dengan laki lain. So, dia boleh la pindah ke rumah anak dia yang lain dgn membawa hati yang lara. Bukan ke, janda dengan anak2 yatim 2 ada hak jugak. Yang budak cetek ni, suka suki je wat mcm 2. Takde hati perut ke! Tak sangka pulak aku yg drama mcm ni ada kat dalam dunia ni, aku ingat ada dalam filem je. Mak cik 2 bukan la orang senang tapi kena pulak lalui hidup yang ranjau berliku mcm ni.
Kesimpulannya, kalau la korang dah kawin nanti, wat la wasiat setiap sorang supaya benda2 mcm ni dapat dihindarkan. Cuba la mengasihi semua orang seikhlasnya dan sayangilah kelurga anda. Peace :D


  • live life with 3 E's... energy, enthusiasm and empathy
  • 3 F's.. faith, family and friends
  • don't be afraid to open your eyes so you can see tomorrow
  • the world is like mirror, if your face is smiling, it smiles right back.
B-egin your day with
L-ove in your heart
E-ver smiling
S-hare goodness
S-hine like sun
I-nspire some one
N-ever forget that
G-od is with you
  • there's never a teardrop that god doesn't see. He knows when a sparrow falls from a tree. there's never a moment when God doesn't care, never a time when he won't hear our prayers.
  • never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up
  • "don't find love, let love find u. that's is why it's called falling in love., because u don't force yourself to fall.."
  • the brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; after all u can't go on successfully in life until u let go of your past mistakes, failure and heartaches
  • maybe, we are supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will be grateful for that gift.
  • maybe, the best kind of friend is the kind u can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation u've ever had.


Rasulullah saw bersabda: Pada hari kiamat, dikumpulkan beberapa kaum. Amal mereka sebesar gunung Tuhamah. Namun mereka diperintahkan masuk Neraka." Mereka bertanya, "wahai Rasulullah, apakah mereka solat?" Rasulullah berkata, " Benar, mereka solat, puasa, bahkan bngun malam untk beribadah tetapi apabila terlihat dunia lantas mereka terpaut padanya."


Tsunami wave, swept away everything become flat ground, but ALLAH for once again show MIRACLE of ISLAM by saving at least 28 MASJID still well stand up.

Moreover the thin window's glass wasn't crack even few. And everybody who Morning Pray inside the Mosque had survive while the victims are more than 200,000 people.

Qs.6 An'aam:75. Dan demikianlah Kami perlihatkan kepada Ibrahim tanda-tanda keagungan di langit dan bumi dan agar dia termasuk orang yang yakin.

58 gambar daripada 28 Masjid Tsunami Aceh 2004,,, mengapa manusia tak nak bertasbih pulak??? ... ^_^

Untok yg sudah pernah tengok gambar nie... sudahkah bagi pada orang lain untok dakwah? Jika belum pernah bagi untok orang lain... maka kena bagi pada orang lain...
